

From 2006–2013 I regularly contributed features, news stories, and arts reviews to the Independent Weekly (later renamed INDY Week), a weekly newspaper headquartered in Durham, NC. I produced one additional long feature story for the Indy in 2019.


Cover stories

"No Classrooms. No Teachers. No Problem."
Published in INDY Week, June 4, 2019


"Will the Elf Save the Planet?"
Published in INDY Week, May 29, 2013


"Watching Really, Really Good Pingpong"
Published in INDY Week, February 15, 2012


"Main Street Is a Cautionary Tale"
Published in INDY Week, September 28, 2011


"Durham TechShop"
Published in INDY Week, September 2, 2009


Selected other work

“Bill McKibben Talks About the Fight Against Climate Change”

Published in INDY Week, November 14, 2012; reprinted in Reno News & Review (Reno, NV), and Metroland (Albany, NY)

“Getting Fired Up to Get Rich at the RBC Center”

Published in INDY Week, September 15, 2012