I'm an audio producer, multimedia creator, and writer based in Durham, NC.

I was drawn to Durham as a hub of the documentary arts. From 2012–2018, I coordinated the continuing education program at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University; I’ve worked seasonally at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival since 2011, and have served on the selection committee since 2012; and I served on the Southern Documentary Fund’s new projects committee from 2013–2014.

I’m passionate about alternative transportation, and served as a two-term board chair of Bike Durham, which fights for the rights of cyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders. I make most of my trips by bicycle (sound equipment is small and light!).

From 2006–2013, I was a regular contributor to Indy Week, the NC Triangle area’s weekly newspaper. These days my professional work is mostly in audio and video. Drop me a line if you’ve got a project that can use my skills!